Record and Replay Teleoperated Trajectories#

In this section, we go through a simple example of recording proprioceptive states of the robot arm and replay the trajectory.

Record a trajectory through teleoperation#

Under deoxys_control/deoxys, run:

python examples/

Then you can control the robot through a teleoperation device. When you finish recording, press reset button of the spacemouse. The terminal will ask you if you want to save the teleopeated trajectory so far. Confirm and the trajectory will be saved in a hdf5 file under /tmp/deoxys_demo_data/ by default, and the exact path will be printed for future reference.

Replay the recorded trajectory#

After the previous step, run:

python examples/ --dataset SAVED_HDF5_FILE

Then the robot will be reset to the first configuration of the trajectory, and run the whole action sequence that is recorded in SAVED_HDF5_FILE. Here is a video of the full procedure of recording robot actions through teleoperation and replay the trajectory.

Record a trajectory through kinesthetic teaching#

If you want to record the trajectory through kinesthetic teaching, you can run the script above with additional arguments:

python examples/ --controller-type JOINT_IMPEDANCE --controller-cfg compliant-joint-impedance-controller.yml

Here is a video of the full procedure of recording kinesthetic teaching and replay the trajectory.